Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Happy Princesses!

I'm sad to say the weather hasn't improved, still cold, still wet, still raining! That meant I didn't do much exercise today- just a lot of running in and out of cover with the pram. Hope it gets better for the weekend as I am organising my friends hen weekend (and yes, it's weather dependant!)

Luckily my little girl had a much better night last night and seems a lot happier today. We met with some friends for a play-date (which actually means we sat around drinking tea and chatting!) My cold is a lot better too which meant I could re-start the challenge with renewed commitment.

What sort of Princessing have I done today?

I managed eight glasses of water, flossed, applied my anti-aging cream, did my nails, used eye cream, ate a healthy breakfast, applied hair oil, avoided alcohol and crisps, took my vitamins and fish oil, body brushed, de-fuzzed and moisturised!

Failing with the cups of tea today- the cold weather has really made me crave hot drinks so I have had about 6 cups so far. If I can't sleep tonight I'll know why! I fully intend to put on a face mask and have a nice long bath after this post.

A few people have asked me what the point of Princessing is? When I decided to undertake the challenge it was my way of taking back some control over how I look and feel- it's really tough to juggle things when you have a new baby and on reflection I was spending too much time trying to tidy my house and not enough time looking after myself.

I want my daughter to have a strong and confident mummy who she can look up too. I feel that if I am happy with how I look/feel I will project that confidence and teach her that beauty comes in many guises! I would love to hear why others have taken up the challenge so please feel free to add your comments!

Here is the day in pictures:

I ate.....I applied.....I admired.....I wore

Spaghetti with plum tomatoes and prosciutto, Body Shop Intensive Foot Cream

A heart shaped potato (can you tell it was a quiet day!), Waterproof jacket

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