Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The dreaded vaccinations

I am not looking forward to tomorrow morning. Not just because I will more than likely be tired but because I am taking my daughter for her vaccinations.

Last time she was grumpy and hot afterwards and I am dreading the sme reaction this time, especially given that she is so unsettled.

The rest of my day went pretty well, managed to knock up a home made apple pie for desert- yum!

Spent quite a bit of time finding various bits to eBay- needs must considering that my savings are nearly gone and maternity pay isn't great.

This means that any beauty treats will have to be presents for my birthday next month as I definitely can't afford to be buying them for myself!

I am pretty excited as the allotment man said I should have a plot by new year- cant wait to grow my own fruit and veg and get some fresh air. Mind you my friends might well get sick of me passing endless crops of veg to them.

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